пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Tired of political rhetoric? �I�am.

Tired of disgusting ad hominem attacks?� I am.

An hour into last nightapos;s debate, I�was tired of watching McCain say little of substance and, instead, simply keep attacking Obama. �I was tired of Obama not simply rising above it to focus on his own message. �Yes, he opted to not engage some of the most obnoxious taunts -- my personal favorite is the "pork" accusation about planetarium equipment. �Yeah, those educational tools are big pay offs� SHOOOO-EEEEE

Every earmark is not pork.� For example, monies earmarked to make coastal cities better prepared to deal with hurricanes would not strike me, a New Hampshire resident, as pork.� Monies to repair road infrastructure after a particularly brutal winter in the northeast would not strike me as pork.� Money for specific and useful community projects do not strike me as pork.

To me, money misspent is setting up "No Child Left Behind" without involving even one educator, much less a curriculum specialist.� The closest thing in that group was a pediatrician. �Being married to someone who teaches people how to be teachers in an acclaimed childhood studies department, and whose PhD is in curriculum development, I�realize that I�have a unique and biased insight.� That doesnapos;t mean Iapos;m wrong, though.

And yes, I�liked it when Obama took the Ayers red herring as an opportunity to talk about the people to whom he does turn for counsel. �That was well played.

But mostly, I was tired.� So, I went to sleep, trusting that I�was recording the thing.

This morning, in the wee pre-alarm hour, I watched the rest, but decided to try it a little bit differently. �I considered what most in the next four years. �I thought, "You know what?� The next four years are primarily about Balm.� Healing fear and disruption among the national constituency, repairing/restoring/creating improved international relationships, etc.� So, from that light, what are the distinguishing qualities of leadership required?"� Then it occurred to me that FDRapos;s New Deal would never had flown had it been presented by someone with the charisma issues of a Nixon -- itapos;s success depended upon FDRapos;s ability to draw people in and inspire them, to make them feel responded to, witnessed, comforted, and assured.� Which ticket can provide that, if either can?" �So, I�turned the sound off and simply observed body language, facial expressions, postures, mirroring. �The difference between the two candidates was profound.

I wonapos;t post a spoiler beyond saying that my question was answered conclusively.� I invite you to try the experiment out for yourself. �It may be more challenging to pay attention without the sound, to really focus on the visuals -- but I�promise you that it is worthwhile.


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