суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

dmp 110 software

HAHA im here to save the
okay, here goes.
the reason why ive not been able to update these few days is because ive been working,
and work has not lasted so long for me ever since the Grohe job.

AND this is the 1st time i did not pon any working days and ive been faithfully going to work EVERYDAY.
WOW, isnt it?

another wow thing is that, i even did OT yesterday. I cant believe it myself too.
I betrayed myself for the OT pay, hahahahahaha

today as usual, going to work in the morning shift at compass.
but before i go, i decided to check my mails.
AND then, i realise how long ive not updated my journal.
Thanks to boon, my blog once again revived due to emergency rescuing. HAHA

oh, and working has been quite lame sometimes.
really, when u work, u see all sorts of people from different walks of life.
you see the polite, quiet, the deaf, the blind, the idiot and the worst of all is, the NOTHING�TO�DO people.

okay u see, the polite are the people you would love to deal with, those that would smile at you when u serve them, those that would say thank you when you help them. WHO�WOULDNT�LIKE�A�CUSTOMER�LIKE�THAT?? hahaha SMILES:�)
there was this very nice guy who came up to ask the direction of this shop and after he enquired, he said�to the customer service officer, "FANTASTIC"
I was so happy to hear that comment. Cool man, it was such a small help but it served a great deal of help to him HAHA Cheers to that guy, great guy indeed.

And then the quiet are those who do not talk. Seldom you see these kind of people. Most of them are kids. Ask them what they want, they will ask their mum or dad to talk for them. Sometimes i wonder who is the one that is quiet, the parent who force the kid to ask, or the shy kid that wants to ask questions?

Then the deaf who cannot hear or pretend not to hear what you say, and then later put the blame all on you for not telling them, or the blind that cannot read instructions. Cos we are giving out vouchers and these vouchers are limited to the 1st 1000. ALL�STATED�IN�THE�CARD�THAT�THEY�HAVE. And then later they turn around and bite you, saying that, "YOU�SHOULD�HAVE�ENOUGH�VOUCHERS�TO�GIVE�OUT�TO�ALL�YOUR�CUSTOMERS".
what stupid reason is this man.

Idiots would be, those who came down to our counter, then queue for the lucky dip, then later, when they got no price, they start mumbling under their breathe, saying what a waste of time. Just nice loud enough for us to hear and the people around them. SO�SMART.
obviously, a lucky dip means that if you are lucky, then will u get the price. Obviously you are not lucky enough to get the price, so stop grumbling. If everyone is lucky, the company would close down liao.. Broke by giving out presents.

Then finally, the WORST.
There is this food fair that was held for a week at compass, and there came this idiot woman that came just one day after the food fair.
Obviously no more food fair liao lahs, so she came down to the helpdesk to look for someone to vent her anger on.
Come on, its just a tiny food fair, not as if they are giving out crabs or lobsters.
She made a great deal out of it, saying that she came from far, and that we nvr put up the notice.
So, my CSO showed her the schedule that we put up on the helpdesk, stating clearly the date of the closing of the food fair.
Then she argued, saying that we should have put the notice on the front door so that EVERYONE�could see so that they would not make a wasted trip.
Apparently, even if we put on the front door, by the time she comes and see the notice on the front door, isnt it still a wasted trip since she is already here? Might as well scold us for not posting advertisements on tv to say that the food fair is over.
Then later she say, she made a complain but nothing was done.
Obviously??? what you want us to do?
Send you some kebabs to your home?

Some people have better to change your attitude in life, dont be such a troublemaker. People work to earn a living, not to be scolded by you.

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